Getting a Fresh Start When You're Overwhelmed by Medical Bills You've been sick or gotten hurt in an accident, and you've needed extensive medical care, some of it unreimbursed by insurance. As a result, you've run up substantial medical bills, … [Read more...]
Choosing to File a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition
When Might You Want to Reorganize Debt Even Though You Qualify for Discharge Under Chapter 7? As a consumer, you have two general options when filing for bankruptcy protection. If you qualify, you can seek to permanently discharge your debts in a … [Read more...]
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Bankruptcy
Doing These Things Can Jeopardize Your Rights You’ve been struggling to keep your head above water financially, and you’ve finally concluded that your best path for moving forward is through a personal bankruptcy filing. It’s a difficult decision, … [Read more...]
What Is the Process for Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition?
What Steps Can You Expect When Seeking to Discharge Debts Permanently? When you’ve lost your job or had an unexpected injury or illness, bankruptcy may be the best way to get a fresh start. If you qualify, you can ask the bankruptcy court to … [Read more...]
Will Filing for Bankruptcy Protection Permanently Affect Your Credit?
How Long Will a Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit? Will It Ever Drop Off Your Credit Report? For many, one of the biggest fears associated with bankruptcy is the perception that it will permanently destroy your credit, that you’ll never be able to get a … [Read more...]
What Happens When a Creditor Violates the Automatic Stay
What Are the Consequences for the Creditor? How Do You Protect Your Rights? For many who file, one of the important benefits of a bankruptcy petition is the automatic stay, which goes into effect immediately and prohibits creditors from taking any … [Read more...]
Determining Whether Bankruptcy is the Best Option
The Factors to Consider before Pursuing Bankruptcy Protection You’ve been struggling to meet your financial obligations, perhaps as a consequence of a serious illness or injury, or maybe due to the loss of a job. You’ve always been able to work … [Read more...]