Making Certain You Protect Your Investment If you're like most people, you'll never make a bigger investment in anything than you will in your home. The purchase of real estate can be an extremely complex transaction, with extensive documents … [Read more...]
Property Defects in a Commercial Lease
Can You Terminate a Commercial Lease because of a Property Defect? When you lease property, whether it's residential or commercial, you expect that the premises will be in a condition that allows you to either safely reside or conduct your business … [Read more...]
Life Estates in Real Property
Let's assume that you're retired and you own a house that you would like to convey to your children after you are gone. You'd prefer not to have the house run through your estate, but you don't want to transfer the property now, as you want to stay … [Read more...]
Docketing a Foreign Judgment in New Jersey
If you are owed money by an individual or business outside of the state of New Jersey, and you successfully obtained a judgment against the debtor in another jurisdiction, that judgment is entitled to "full faith and credit" in New Jersey, but you … [Read more...]
The Notice Requirements under the Commercial Bulk Sales Act in New Jersey Real Estate Transactions
Under New Jersey law, as revised in 2007, real estate transactions are included in among the exchanges covered by the state's Commercial Bulk Sales Act. The statute covers the sale of rental property, real estate used in a trade or business, real … [Read more...]
Why You Want an Attorney Present at a Real Estate Closing
If you are like most people, the single biggest investment of your life will be your home. It's a transaction that involves a substantial number of complex items, from the Agreement of Sale, Home Inspections, from the mortgage documents to the … [Read more...]
Why You Need a Real Estate Lawyer
If you are buying or selling real property, you can seek out the assistance of a real estate agent or try to get through the process using information obtained from the internet. So why would you want to hire an attorney to oversee the transaction? … [Read more...]
Types of Deeds: The Different Types of Real Property Deeds
When you are buying or selling real estate, one of the critical documents required to complete the transaction is a deed. The deed is a legal document that officially transfers title and ownership of real property. It is signed by both the buyer and … [Read more...]