The Benefits of Filing for Personal Bankruptcy Protection
If you’re like many Americans, you started 2023 with financial concerns. Maybe you lost you job last year or maybe you suffered a serious injury or illness. Regardless of the reason, you’ve been struggling to make ends meet, and can’t quite get there. You’ve considered filing for bankruptcy protection, but you’re worried what it might do to your credit, and you feel like it’s a concession of defeat. Your concerns are misguided.
Bankruptcy Is a Positive Step
Those people who tell you that bankruptcy is a sign of failure—they’re likely people who’ve never experienced significant hardship in their lives. They don’t know what it’s like to run out of money long before you run out of month. And they don’t understand the reasons why Congress put bankruptcy laws in place—to help folks who’ve encountered unexpected and insurmountable financial challenges get out from under the burden of day-to-day financial difficulty.
Consider this—most creditors view a decision to file for bankruptcy protection as evidence that a debtor wants to resolve his or her financial problems. They are typically more likely to work with you if you have the courage, conviction and commitment to file for protection, rather than simply let your financial situation continue to deteriorate.
What Are the Benefits of Filing a Personal Bankruptcy Petition?
When you file for bankruptcy, you’ll immediately be protected by the automatic stay, which prohibits all efforts by creditors to collect a debt, other than through the bankruptcy proceeding. You won’t have to worry about harassing phone calls, dunning letters or other legal action.
In addition, you may be able to permanently rid yourself of debts. At a minimum, you’ll be able to renegotiate existing financial obligations to make them more affordable.
Contact Attorney Howard N. Sobel
At the office of Howard N. Sobel, we provide personal bankruptcy counsel to men and women throughout the state of New Jersey. Contact our office online or call us at 856-424-6400 to set up a free initial consultation. Evening and weekend appointments can be arranged upon request. We accept all major credit cards.
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